How prepared is our city to respond to climate change? Can we harness local innovation as we explore issues and challenges for our coming decade in Melbourne? How can people and communities actively shape and improve our collective future in the city?

To prepare for what lies ahead, the City of Melbourne together with Carlton Connect and the University of Melbourne, are inviting the community to join the Future Melbourne 2026 conversation. Join Future Melbourne Ambassador Kate Auty and Melbourne thought leaders in the arts, science and business community in a public conversation that will explore ideas, challenges and opportunities for our future Melbourne.

Ideas generated at this free, public forum will directly contribute to the refreshing of the community’s 10 year Future Melbourne plan that will chart a direction for the city to 2026 and beyond.

To find out more about the Panel of experts and to secure your spot, click here.


  • Bookings Required
  • Wednesday 9 March 2016 18:15 - 19:45
  • Carrillo Gantner Theatre, Sidney Myer Asia Centre, University of Melbourne