A creative city allows for and encourages risk taking and initiative. It embraces Indigenous history and culture, builds on its heritage and its freedom, and allows people to experiment and innovate. It is bold and inspirational, fostering uniqueness and invention, and demonstrating leadership.
Future Melbourne 2008


The importance and quality of Melbourne’s art scene was commonly held up as a key aspect of Melbourne to cherish, accompanied by calls for continued support when people discussed A creative city.

Sustained funding of the arts was identified as a significant issue for the sector. Living and artistic creation cost for Melbourne’s artists was considered a critical issue. Support for artists, through provision of space, so they can perform and create was identified as an initiative that will bring benefits to the arts and their hosts; creative inspiration within a range of sectors was described.

There was little direct comment on how Melbourne arts, or the community should take risks but this was implied in call for it to continue to be funded and expanded.

Comments were also made on increasing public access to art through making it less expensive to experience. All art forms are appreciated, with busking, music and literature receiving significant specific comment.

There were relatively few comments regarding artistically celebrating diversity, although celebrating diversity in a broader sense is a key topic in other Priorities, most notably Priority 1.2. Inclusive communities.
