Melbourne is renowned for the quality of its food - the availability, accessibility and sustainability of healthy food is essential to Melbourne’s liveability. This stakeholder workshop will discuss the importance of a sustainable, resilient food system and will generate ideas for Future Melbourne 2026.

We can no longer take our food supply for granted. How will we respond to the serious challenges facing our food system? The way we respond will have profound impact on our quality of life, identity and culture for many years to come. Members of Melbourne’s local food movement will be invited to a facilitated workshop to share their ideas for food system change over the coming decade and contribute these ideas to Future Melbourne 2026.

Looking at the effect of future trends, participants will work in facilitated groups to explore the threats to our food supply and look for solutions that will encourage a secure, healthy, sustainable, thriving and socially inclusive food system.

The groups will then share the ideas by posting them on the Future Melbourne 2026 website.

This is an invitation only stakeholder event. If you are interested in attending, please contact us at


  • Invitation only workshop – 25 people
  • Thursday 25 February from 2-4pm
  • Councillors Meeting Room - Melbourne Town Hall