
After Russell Brand - Rethinking democracy in Melbourne

Last Wednesday night a thoughtful and articulate panel explored the future of democracy. Dr Leslie Cannold engaged Maria Katsonis (Future Melbourne Ambassador), Nicholas Reece, Dr Travers McLeod and Samah Hadid (via Skype from Lebanon) in a discussion that unearthed a number of innovations including: co-production of policy through citizens juries, appointing ministers from the community and participatory budgeting – Maria Katsonis has posted this as an idea . The audience then added more ideas during the Q&A.

Business Breakfast

Illustration by Jessamy Gee 2016

Melbourne businesses shared their ideas on the future of Melbourne at the business breakfast event hosted by the Lord Mayor on Thursday 18 February.

Around 150 business representatives discussed their big ideas for Future Melbourne 2026. Chris Sanderson sparked our thinking with an energetic and thought-provoking global trend forecast with insights into hospitality and retail trends – it is about experience rather than stuff! Read more about Chris and his work with The Future Laboratory.

Dave Roper, co-founder of Crumpler provided a local context with the Crumpler journey from bike courier service to leading bag maker. Dave praised the value of 'making stuff' and demonstrated this with one of his colleagues busily sewing together one of their signature bags next to the stage as Dave spoke.

The table discussions produced innovative ideas that ranged from creating co-working technology, testing labs to activating under-utilised city spaces. You can read more of the ideas, comment, vote or add your own on the ideas page.

Other speakers at the event included Councillor Pinder-Mortimer on the next 12 months of business opportunities, and Evan Tattersall, CEO of Melbourne Metro Rail Authority provided an overview of the Melbourne Metro Rail Project. Businesses can stay up-to-date with future business events by subscribing to our monthly business e-newsletter.

Listen to the Ambassadors talk with Jon Faine

The Future Melbourne Ambassadors have been talking with Jon Faine on ABC 774 about Future Melbourne and their views about the future of our city.

Prof. Glyn Davis opened the series of weekly conversations on 8 February giving Jon Faine and his listeners an overview of the Future Melbourne project.

Kate Auty had a good information rich conversation last Monday. You can hear this interview at ABC Radio Online (52:30 mark)

Rob McGauran talked with Jon yesterday about Melbourne’s development as a more inclusive and better connected city. You can hear this interview at ABC Radio Online (53:45 mark).

There are many more events coming up in the following weeks. View the events list and register your interest.