The answer to this question fell into two main categories: Engaged with, understood and decision-making; and, Achievement of the 2008 goals and Priorities.


There were two strong themes that came through these answers. They were the need for The Council to engage the community in a variety of ways and the second was for the community to be proactive in their participation with The Council.

Answers stated that the community should have a role to play in informing processes and decision-making. There were detailed discussions on the levels and types of engagement. Some people put the onus back on the community to be more proactive and engaged with processes. In summary, many survey respondents thought that people should spend more time engaging with The Council through sharing ideas, staying informed, supporting and working in partnership with The Council.

Discussion of Answers

Engaged with, understood and decision-making

The Council engaging with the community

When asked what role the community might play in shaping the city’s future, a large number of answers were focused on allowing the community to be more involved in decision-making. Many of these answers included community involvement in consultation on policy development and planning, listening to the community and supporting ideas and opinions from people in the community.

Several answers discussed The Council engaging with the community more by providing more information and resources about city planning and development, which would then enable the community to be more involved in decision-making. This was one comment that represented this view.

Communities need to be consulted and informed before decisions are made, and ideas must be sourced from the community

A few people’s extended comments into why community involvement is important.

…You shouldn't design something for someone or a group of people without knowing what they want, as this may not be what they want.

Several answers referred to needing more community diversity in shaping the city’s future. Comments were focused on The Council providing the opportunity for children, teenagers, community and sports groups, minority groups, non-government organisations and cultural groups to have a better engagement with The Council.

Many answers described the types of Council engagement that the community preferred or appreciated. Online engagement, such as online spaces, surveys and forums were favoured by several people, with some stating that it is an accessible engagement medium in reaching a broad range of people.

Several answers related directly to having more community representation through community panels and juries. These answers focused on the community having a role in decision-making by selecting community representatives to share the community’s concerns and ideas. This was one of those comments.

Council needs to set up community advisory panels - there are a lot of people with good ideas

Participatory. Give Melbourne organisations a stake in the outcome. Engage youth groups, community groups, NGOs, cultural organisations, teams, clubs and all groups actual roles in fulfilling the Future Melbourne Vision

The community actively engaging with The Council

A large number of comments stated that the community should take responsibility and be involved, active and engaged in shaping the city’s future. This could be achieved by sharing ideas, staying informed, supporting and working in partnership with The Council.

Get involved. Be a voice. Give ideas

A few answers referred to a deficiency in community involvement and a need for improvement in the community’s engagement with The Council. This was one relatively strong and clear statement.

We need a thorough discussion not just of the RIGHTS of the community but also the RESPONSIBILITIES of a community.

It was described by several people that there would be better outcomes for the community if they engage, contribute and have more influence. This was one of those comments.

The community needs to be involved in every step of the way - without them, there would be no city. Everybody has particular interests to pursue, but collectively we have the power to do something really meaningful.

Future Melbourne, and similar processes, as engagement examples

Many statements specifically referred to the Future Melbourne process as a good example of allowing the community to play a role in shaping the city’s future. People thought that this process provided a good forum to voice opinions and share ideas. A few people thought that more online surveys should be available for community input and engagement. This is an example comment.

More surveys such as this! It is a wonderful feeling to have your voice and opinions heard.

Limits to consultation

While most answers were in favour of continued and/or more engagement with the community, several answers discussed having limits to the community’s influence as over involvement can result in inaction. People suggested leaders and experts should take a leading role because they are able to make the hard decisions, based on expertise and detailed knowledge.

Understanding the community

Several answers suggested increasing understanding of the community, its diversity and different groups’ needs. People thought that more equitable outcomes would come from a more diverse range of people in the community participating and playing a role in shaping the city’s future. This comment described taking a holistic view in understanding the community.

People need to feel engaged and supported to become active members of society. Studies in demographics and identifying important groups to find out more about their needs in order to ensure all members are represented. Ensure that issues are considered holistically. You can't look at transport without looking at affordable housing, you can look at affordable housing without looking at schools, you can't look at creating communities without housing and income security.

Contribution to goal achievement

Some comments were made that referred to the achievement of the 2008 Goals. These comments have been grouped under the Goals below.

A City for People

Many comments discussed community development in a range of ways. Several comments were specifically focused on developing the community, with one person stating it like this.

An integral role. Community should be the centre of the city's future. Connecting communities, (sic) fostering connection, creating stronger ties within society, fostering mutual understanding between communities, etc. this is the #1 priority for me

Some people also encouraged more community events. Generally, the purpose of these events is to increase connections and achieve positive outcomes in a variety of ways from the environment to community building. This was one example of how a project can assist community development.

Large role, more community run projects & opportunities for people to be involved in their local communities. Again, inclusiveness is the key, if we all work together we create a better a living environment for ALL not just the business holders & the rich.

Several comments encouraged a better-integrated and more inclusive community.

I would like to see cultural communities collaborate further - rather than a group-by-group organisation of festivals (e.g. Greek vs Italian vs Chinese), start to see a collaborative reflection on building diversity, harnessing contacts and wisdom, and tap into this knowledge to build a more sustainable and harmonious city of the future - exploring the business and development possibilities of accumulated knowledge held by diverse City of Melbourne residents and workers from different backgrounds.

A few statements encouraged a more inclusive community through education and knowledge.

Taking part in educational activities and supporting one another and the less fortunate while consuming more ethical wares.

Several statements supported a clean and rejuvenated city, for example, through people tidying the appearances of buildings in the city.

Paint old buildings to change the appearance of the city.

A couple of statements encouraged a healthy community through support and education.

Be more healthy and support initiatives aimed at reducing preventable issues such as obesity, lack of nutrition and educating the young to become more self-sufficient.

A Creative City

Many statements encouraged the role of arts and culture in supporting the vision of a creative and vibrant city. People wanted greater support, including financing to increase certainty for continued arts production.

Step up. Crowdfunding and crowd sourcing have allowed us to create new and exciting events and cultures within the city and surrounds. Never let the victory that was the first year of White Night fade into the past, or the culture that spawned things like Sunbury Music Festival and Woodstock leave us. Technology should allow us to make these sorts of cool things happen easier with less capital.

A couple of statements encouraged cultural diversity through community events. These comments generally referred to a more inclusive community by celebrating diversity through events.

More community events would be great to stay connected and allow people to fully appreciate what we have. While we have much diversity it's important to provide all groups an opportunity to get involved.

A Prosperous City

Several comments were about the community creating a more prosperous city. Some people thought that the encouragement of community events would help Melbourne grow. While a few statements referred to supporting the development of local businesses.

Coming together to support local businesses

A Knowledge City

A few comments were related to increasing education and knowledge in the city. There was a call for more community educational programs and support.

Provide more school programs such as sustainable art making

An Eco-City

Several statements encouraged the role of the community in supporting An Eco-City. Several comments were specifically focused on recycling and reducing waste.

I can help as much as possible. I pick up rubbish on my way to work, I have enrolled others into doing the same and I am happy to help as much as possible to have this city, and its waterways, the cleanest on earth

A Connected City

Several people stated that there needs to be more consultation on transport as well as community involvement in public transport decision-making.

The community should be able to have more say in what happens to Melbourne in the way of public transport, growth and planning.

A few statements were focused on people in the community supporting and creating a more sustainable city through better transport provision.

General Goal Achievement

Several comments referred to the community’s role in supporting achievement of the 2008 goals. Comments generally stated that people in the community should play an active role in the development and implementation of the goals.


Several statements referred to funding as a means to support the 2008 goals in shaping the future of the city. Several statements encouraged community funding through fundraisers and crowdfunding to help support projects and events in the city.

Helping develop (and crowdfund, perhaps) the goals.

General comments about the community’s role in shaping the future

Many statements encouraged the community to play an active role in shaping Melbourne City’s future and that this role and the community in general is important.

The community need to both lead and be led. The goals can only be achieved with community support. Those leaders in the community need to provide the vision that we community members, adsorbed in our day-to-day, have not the time and often not the overview to be able to see. And we need to have that vision convincingly explained and sold to us. So the community grant the trust and power to leaders to do what needs to be done.

This statement expressed the importance of the community in shaping the city’s future.

I think that "the community" is a vital part in shaping the city's future. A city created for businesses offers certain rewards, but communities often subvert or convert those rewards depending on their desires and goals.