Question 6. How do you think the five future trends impact the six main Future Melbourne (2008) goals? Do the goals need to be changed?

The answers to this question are ordered by the response to the second half of the question.


A large number of people didn’t answer this question in detail. Most answers were in support of the six Goals, but there were also suggestions to refine and update them. A large number of people thought the Goals did not need to be changed and were happy with the existing goals. Some people thought the goals may not align well with each other, such as urban growth and climate change. Many people thought that more needs to be done in order to achieve the goals. A large number of people thought that the goals and priorities need to change because they are outdated, lacked relevance or need to focus more on resiliency and technology.

Summary of impacts and whether Goals need to change

Don’t change the Goals and Priorities (47)

A large number of people were generally satisfied with the goals and priorities, with statements focused on keeping the goals and priorities as they are. Many people thought that the goals and priorities were relevant and achievable in the future, and a few people thought that the goals and priorities complement each other.

No, they have been well thought out – by people who know the city very well.

Some people thought that in the future the goals and priorities may not align with each other, with a particular focus on climate change and urban density.

The goals are well aligned (sic) with the trends however a time will come when one trend will not agree with the path of another, suich (sic) as climate change and growth and urban density. This will be a testing time for the plan.

Existing Goals ok, but do more to deliver them (24)

Many statements were in support of the current goals but stated that more needs to be done in order to achieve them, by both government and citizens. One statement suggested that more rigorous action was needed in order to deliver existing goals. A few people thought that decision-making and implementation of policies were crucial in order to achieve the goals and priorities. This was one comment.

I think the goals and trends are a great starting point, but we need to ensure the people making these decisions are making them wisely, and are not influenced at all by private corporations.

Some statements focused on A City for People and An Eco-City. A few people thought that not enough was being done in these areas and more policies and regulations were needed in order to achieve these goals.

I think the goals are good, however if we don’t (sic) have more policies and regulations around urban development, many of these new developments will not be eco or affordable (sic).

A few statements suggested that the goals should be bolder and that more ideas around goal achievement were needed in order to implement and deliver the existing goals.

I think the trends mirror the goals, I think there just needs to be some ideas behind on how we might deliver on the goals and make them more of a visible reality, for the city, state, nation and the world.

Refine the existing Goals and Priorities (33)

Several people were in support of the existing goals and priorities, but they thought that the goals and priorities need to be refined and updated to have more of a focus on A City for People, A Creative City and An Eco-City.

Goals are still good, but may need updating - climate change is more urgent, for example. There are probably many more small children living here now than there were before - what services and infrastructure will the growing resident, daily, and visiting population need?

Some statements focused on the difficulties of delivering certain goals and priorities alongside each other. One statement suggested that the goals and priorities are not integrated well with each other. This was particularly in relation to urban density and An Eco-City.

Change eco- city - The growth and urban density will greatly impact city for people, prosperous, connected and eco-city goals. The new goals needs to recognise these interconnections. It depends on how these are implemented internally at Council. There is a need for a 'sustainability' related goal that brings these elements together. The current eco-city goal is very narrowly focussed. The climate change impact needs to be incorporated into all elements. There can be separate goals but that does not mean that it's implemented separately.

Yes, change the Goals and Priorities (30)

Many people thought that the Goals and Priorities should be changed because they are not relevant or could not be achieved, or were outdated.

Need to be change but 2008 is 8 years ago.

I think the goals are all unsustainable ideas - we have too many people spread out too far using too many resources - goals that involve getting leadership at state and federal level to change the conversation from unsustainable growth to moving to a smaller life style are what is needed

Some people thought their needs to be more focus on technology and resiliency.

Two of the goals may need to be changed - from eco-city and prosperous city - to a 'resilient' city. As we face challenges from Climate change, possibly increased migration and a change in the cultural fabric of Melbourne, how can we create a sustainable, resilient model for the future? Refine the existing Goals and Priorities

Can’t say, unsure and other (100)

A large number of people did not understand the question or thought that the question was too difficult to answer. A few people thought that the goals and priorities were too broad for them to answer the question.

am not sure how to answer this question. All i can think to say is the 2008 goals were very broad whereas the future trends seem a lot more targeted