Vote in October Melbourne City Council elections

June 18, 2024

Melbourne City Council elections will be held by postal ballot in October.

Our new elections website offers information in a range of languages.

You may be eligible to vote

You can vote if you’re 18 and over and:

  • A resident - short or long term - such as an international student or if you’re on your working holiday visa. You do not need to be an Australian citizen but you do need to be named on the rental agreement.
  • Own a property in the City of Melbourne and live in it or elsewhere in Australia or abroad.
  • A business owner, who owns or leases a property in the city. You could be sharing the property with another business.
  • A nominated representative of a business.

Update your enrolment

Ensure you enrol or you update your enrolment details by 6 August. Once your enrolment is confirmed, you will receive a ballot pack and you have until 6pm on 25 October to post back your completed ballot pack.

Councils play a major role in delivering services to residents and businesses. Your vote makes a difference.

If you are already enrolled with the Victorian Electoral Commission, you will receive a ballot pack in the mail.

For information or assistance, contact the City of Melbourne Elections Support team on 1300 735 427 or

Graphic of four diverse people